Monday, May 10, 2010

Who was Gorbachev?

Some people have distinguishing marks. Mikhail Gorbachev was one of them.

Rex has white fur in his scruff. I initially thought he was an old dog because of the white fur. But it turned out to be the St. Bernard in him.

He also has a lower lip that juts out into a pout like Elvis. These are two of his distinguishing marks.

What were Madonna's?

I have one.

People often ask me about it.

What's that mark on your arm?

I hope someone's not beating you up!

What happened to your arm?!

It's a BIRTHMARK. Okay? Let it go.

Summer shirts for women have short-short sleeves--the kind that are exactly high enough and revealing enough to show my birthmark.

Ten years ago a work friend talked me into having a mole removed from my face. At the dermatologist's office, the doctor said, "You know that's considered a beauty mark."

I knew, but I hastily got rid of it anyway. Later, I wished I had waited.

Do we need to all look alike?

If Gorbachev had had the stain removed from the top of his head, wouldn't he have looked like myriad other leaders? What would the cartoonist's have done to give him character? Would anyone remember him now?

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