Sunday, May 2, 2010

Meet the Parents

"You irritate me!"
"You irritate ME!"

This is a sometimes exchange between me and Jodi.

"Please adopt a less marital tone," I say, quoting Glen Close's character from Dangerous Liaisons.

"It's like we are married," Jodi snaps back.

"Yeah," I agree. " We fight over money and we fight over the children.

The two dogs look up sitting on the slobbery kitchen floor, waiting for treats. Rex has just had a drink from the blue glass Corningware mixing bowl (the large one from the set of three) and excess water drips from his jowls like someone spilled a pitcher of water on the floor. Hyperbole is not lost on this dog.

"Only we don't have sex," Jodi says.

"But that is just like a married couple."

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