Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Diagnosis; No Diagnosis

Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 10:46:00 -0500
Subject: what?

What chu doin?
Mary Schenten

“I write entirely to find out what I am
_Joan Didion

RE: what?‏
From: Kristin Johnson
Sent: Sun 5/16/10 12:53 PM
To: Mary Schenten
Cc: Kristin Johnson

Hey Mary!

Last night Jodi came over and helped me -- like putting in my AC units and cleaning, etc. Then we were having dog training this morning (notice the past tense foreshadowing) but when we came back to her house at 11pm, Rex did not want to move or get up. We called an ER vet and they said bring him in if he is lethargic. So when we finally got him to get up we saw that his back left leg was hurt because he was holding it up. Ugh. So we managed to get him into Jodi's SUV and took him to the vet. They did tests ($700 worth) and x-rays and did not come up with a diagnoses except that they ruled out several things -- he may have an infection or sprain or something. His leg is swollen. So he is on antibiotics and a pain killer. He was growling at us to leave him alone this morning and he wouldn't take the meds in bread and peanut butter. So I just bought hot dogs and those worked -- yay! So he is sleeping on Jodi's living room rug. we are keeping the two dogs separate. and I am working on grades (I went back to my house to get homework for classes).

What are you up to?!

Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 14:37:16 -0500
Subject: Re: what?

Poor Rex!! How do you think he got hurt? Was it the other dog? Poor baby.

RE: what?‏
From: Kristin Johnson
Sent: Sun 5/16/10 4:47 PM
To: Mary Schenten
Hey --

We think Rex has some type of bacterial infection. Now I am being a paranoid hypochondriac. Well, I had kind of a full life :) Ok -- I'll try and be more optimistic.

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