Saturday, April 24, 2010

JFK and Herb Brooks

"We chose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy but because they are hard." -- John F. Kennedy

That quote has always stuck with me.

JFK and I have a lot in common: We have the same initials (only mine are backwards from his), the same birthday, and we both liked Marilyn Monroe. But only one of us had the Happy Birthday song sung to us by the siren.

The movie Miracle was made about Herb Brooks, the coach who famously took a bunch of kinds from Boston and Minnesota to the Olympics to play hockey and beat the Russians in 1970. Herb was told of his plan to beat the Russians in the Olympics: "That's a pretty lofty goal, Herb." His response: "That's why I want to pursue it."

So, what in life is worth pursuing? If you want to achieve greatness--be something and someone who rises above mediocrity--then you have got to take on something BIG.

What is bigger than a 105-pound unneutered male Golden Retriever/St. Bernard mix who is 7 years old? Yes, that's right. The advertised yellow Labrador turned out to actually be something different: a Golden Retriever/St. Bernard mix, which explains his enormous size.

To battle mediocrity, you also have to go against the grain. An old cliche states: You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Well, I think you can.

In one month, T-Rex, the obstreperous dog, has already learned these commands:

*Lay down
*Leave it

So here's to setting lofty goals that take us to the moon! What are you going to take on in the next decade?

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the very first trick he performed. Remember? The night he almost got adopted by another family? You told him to act mean and when they got near he did the growl thing. That was amazing communication.


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